Monday, April 6, 2009

April- National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, and a great time to explore the world of words with your students!

Some Interesting books for the classroom are:
1. Hip Hop Speaks to Children, by, Nikki Giovanni
2. Poetry for Young People by, Emily Dickinson and Lewis Carroll and Robert Frost
3. Dinothesaurus, by, Douglas Florian
4. Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers, by, Mary Ann Hoberman

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information about poetry! I doubt I can use it with my " I am so done with high school seniors" hehehe but I can use it with my grandson who is only 3 yrs old but has develop a love for books and reading, he barely knows the alphabet but loves for me to read him aloud his books, or I place CD's on the computer so he can follow his books with the computer. By the way, I love the Easter and Spring look your blog site has! Is great.
