Sunday, January 25, 2009

Power Teaching...Positive or Negative?

Hi everyone!!!!

This is mainly for elmentary school teachers...

Many of you may have already heard of this new trend in the classrooms today and might have already seen video clips, but I wanted to post the video of "power teaching" and see what everyone's opinion it positive or negative?


  1. Christina,

    Just so you know... I showed this video to my SE-370 class today. It created an interesting discussion on the positives and negatives of this teaching style.

    One point that a student made was that the manner of teaching touched the different learning styles. Students were moving and speaking, which is a wonderful addition to any lesson.

    However, can this teacher teach this way ALL DAY?

    Just curious...

  2. I must say that I understand the kinestetic value behind this, however the absolute noise level and retention is to be questioned. I know in some schools administrators would be very concerned with the noise levels coming from that classroom. Another issue to ponder is: If this is done all day with all subjects does it beconme ineffective after a while. Do students really digest the info or does it become rote?

  3. Ok – that was definitely an interesting video and an interesting teaching style.

    I put myself back to a being a 6th grader and with my learning style I would have been so confused with the level of noise, there is no way I would have been able to concentrate and actually learn; my brain would have jumped from one thing to the next and I would have not remembered anything.

    The thing I did like was having the hand gestures to relate to the different topics being a visual learner it might help to see and do the movements when trying to go back and remember the lesson.

    Everything seemed to fast pace, maybe if the teacher went a little bit slower it would have worked for me but I feel like it would be too overwhelming.

    And what about the poor kid in the front row who didn’t have a partner, aren’t you supposed to be “teaching your neighbor”?
